Cooling towers in

All cooling towers are manufactured in GRP (glass-fiber reinforced polyester), which enables us to offer the widest range on the market to find the best solution for your needs: temperature, corrosion resistance, water quality or lack, energy consumption, noise level...

A galvanized steel range is also available, but why miss out on GRP?

GRP = Glass fiber Reinforced Polyethylene


Totally inert to chemicals: Acids, Bases, Ozone, Peroxides, ...

Totally inert to external aggressions: pollutants, weathering, saline environment, etc.


TEVA guarantees GRP parts on its equipment for LIFE!

A wide choice of options allows you to tailor the equipment to your needs.

Other options can be analyzed on request.



Various types of seals for open towers, including a special seal for charged fluids.





Reinforced aluminum ladder and platform

Automatic drain via conductivity-actuated solenoid valve

Dosage of anti-fouling and corrosion

corrosion inhibitor

Silica sand bypass filter,

for basin water




Available for particularly corrosive fluids or to meet special application requirements. Coils for closed cooling towers and evaporative condensers can be manufactured in AISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless steel.




Vibration detector switch: preventive maintenance for electric motors






Installed at water basin level, with a single suction for both pumps or an independent suction for each pump.

Installed in closed-circuit cooling towers or evaporative condensers with a single pump.

Installed to prevent equipment shutdown when the main pump is replaced, thus ensuring continuity of service.